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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how HVFG LLC and its corporate affiliates (collectively the “Company” or “We”) collect, process and use the personal information provided to us via your registration or use of our website at www.hudsonvalleyfoiegras.com, any associated mobile application, sub-pages and related services (collectively, the “Website”). By using the Company’s Website and/or signing up as a registered user (“Member” or a “Registered User”), you are consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy, and to the practices described herein. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website. We advise that you print or retain a digital copy of this Privacy Policy for future reference.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to websites, apps, destinations, or other offerings that we do not own or control, even if those sites may be accessed from or using our Website, including, without limitation, the websites or systems of any shipping/ delivery company, or credit card/payment processing company, may receive your information in connection with any order you may place over the Website.

You agree and acknowledge that we may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, in our sole discretion, and will reflect that changes have been made via email or when you log in. The date of the last change will be stated above next to the wording: LAST REVISED. Your continued access and use of the Website, including without limitation, making a transaction over the Website will constitute your acceptance of any changes or revisions to the Privacy Policy. In addition to this Privacy Policy, your use of the Website is governed by the Terms and Conditions.

This Website is Intended For Use by US Residents Older than 13

The Website is intended for use by United States residents. If you are located outside the US and use the Website, please note that we transfer, process, store or use data only in the United States. Please note that the US data privacy laws may differ from the laws where you reside or are located and your use of the site and provision of any information to us is deemed to be consent to the use and sharing of your information as permitted under US law and this Privacy Policy. This Website also is intended for use by individuals over the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 without the consent of the child's parent or guardian.

Privacy Disclosures

We collect certain Personal Information (“Information”) from users and Members of the Website in operating the Website including Information you provide us directly, i.e. via any sign-up forms or data inputs, or that is available via various social media platforms that has log ins that may be linked to the Website, whether provided or collected by means of your own data entry, cookies, automated or other technology measures, and whether or not confirmed by You to us, including without limitation, searches and orders placed by you. This does not include “aggregated or anonymized information” which is data from which that information that identifies you personally (such name, email address, full home address, telephone number, username, etc.) has been removed, or combined with other date in such a way that your identity is not reasonably discernible from such aggregated or anonymized information.


The security of your Information and any data transmitted over the Website is important to us but due to the nature of the Internet and digital communications and storage technologies, no method of transmission or electronic storage is 100% secure from loss, unauthorized access or corruption. Although We use commercially reasonable means to protect your Information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, and destruction, we cannot guarantee absolute security. By using the Website, you acknowledge that there are limitations to data security for the kind of services provided via the Website and that the loss, access, integrity, privacy and security of your Information provided over the Website or stored and/or used by use cannot reasonably be guaranteed and we therefore cannot warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or that we store, and you do so at your own risk. You also acknowledge that all of the Limitations of Liability and Warranty provisions and disclaimers set forth in the Terms of Use also apply to this Privacy Policy and any claim or loss relating to your data and Information.

What Kinds of Information Do We Collect, Analyze, Use and Share?

We collect only Information obtained by you through your use of the Website. This Information can be provided by you in connection with your entry of Information while using the Website or automatically, as a result of the technology used by you and the Website. Some of that information includes:

  1. Information that constitutes personal identifiers, such as your name, telephone number, mailing address, email address, zip code, any other unique online identifier such as, without limitation, a user name, cookies, device ID, and the IP address or web browser you use to access the Website, and Device ID.
  2. Information pertaining to your activity at our Website, such as past searches or orders.
  3. Order-related information such as your name, address, phone number or other Information, or the Information of any other person to whom the order is sent.

We Do Not Swap or Sell Your Information

Please Note that we do not sell, swap, license or provide your Information, except (a) in anonymized or aggregated formats, (b) as may be provided to a third party that may purchase our business or a portion thereof (as set forth below), or (c) as set forth in this Privacy Policy– for example sharing the Information with vendors and service providers to administer or carry out functionalities of our business and Website. We may retain your Information under this Privacy Policy for as long as your Membership is active or you request us to delete the Information (except that we may retain that information required by law or reasonably required to demonstrate our compliance with law).

What We Use the Information For

  1. To administer the Website, process payments, orders, refunds and similar transactions and operations of the site. We also may share the Information with outside vendors and services providers, such as an email hosting provider, or shipping or delivery company in order to implement and administer the Website or provide our products and services to you. In those instances when we provide information to third party vendors and services providers, we will share only so much information as is reasonably required for these vendors and service providers to provide services to us, or delivery of an order to you, as well as processing returns, refunds, etc.
  2. To comply with and defend our legal rights and obligations. We may use any Information we may have in order to protect our own legal and commercial rights, including enforcing contracts, defending suits or other proceedings, or responding to subpoenas, and other court orders or investigations.
  3. To Communicate with you. We may use your Information to communicate with you in relation to the Platform or any Campaign or potential Campaign. This communication may take place by phone, social media message, SMS, email, chat, etc.)
  4. To create aggregated or anonymized information for use in our business. We may anonymize your Information or aggregate it with Information pertaining to other users of our Website so that it is not readily identifiable using currently available technology to/as being your Information – i.e. it is aggregated or anonymized information. In doing so, we will be able to use such information for market analytics for use in our own business and to make available to third parties, such as demographic information and other information. So long as we aggregate or anonymize the Information, we reserve the right to use it in order to improve our products and services, to attract or transact our business with our own suppliers, customers and potential business, and/or for other bona fide commercial reasons. Nothing in this Privacy Policy addresses, or should be read to limit or restrict, how we collect, use or process anonymous, de-identified, or aggregate information.

Who We Share Information With

We may disclose your Information, in whole or in part, to the following categories of third parties:

Opting Out, Revoking Consent and Making Changes

Please note that you may delete your Membership, but if you do so, we will not be able to contact you in connection with any future offerings and it may further impact your use of the Website and you may have to again sign up as a Member. If you would like us to continue providing our services to you over the Platform, we must continue to collect and share your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

If you are a California Resident or may be a resident of the European Union and would like to revoke any sharing of data, including any rights and remedies available to California Residents under the CCPA or for Residents of the European Union to whom the GDPR applies, please see the below, which sets forth categories of Information collected, disclosed, and during the past 12 months.

All Members may contact the Privacy Policy Administrator by email at hvorders@hvfarms.com, or phone at +1 877-289-3643, or by otherwise contacting the Privacy Policy Administrator by mail at 346 Airport Road, Mongaup Valley NY 12762.


SPECIAL Notice to Members Who Are California Residents - Your Privacy Rights The California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §1798.100 et. seq. (“CCPA” or the “Act”), provides certain rights and remedies to residents of the State of California in connection with their Personal Information.

As a California resident, you have the right to request:

You also have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information (please note that the term “sale” can mean many things under the CCPA and even some transfers of Personal Information to third parties in exchange for value may be considered as “sales,” under the Act, even if no money changes hands). If you are a California Resident, and would like to opt out of the sales of your Information, please contact the Privacy Policy Administrator.

Please note that we may make a reasonable effort to verify your identity. However, you have the right to not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising these rights, although, if you revoke our consent to collect or share Information entirely, such revocation may affect our ability to provide certain benefits of Membership and use of the Website unless you provide certain information prior to your next use.

To exercise a right related to your personal information, please contact us with an email having the subject line: “California Privacy Rights” or send mail to the Privacy Policy Administrator at the address provided below.

Please find below the categories of Information we collect and disclose or have collected and disclosed during the twelve months prior to the date of this disclosure.

1. Categories of personal information collected. The personal information that we collect, or have collected from consumers in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this disclosure, fall into the following categories under the CCPA:

2. Categories of Information disclosed for a business purpose. The Information that we disclose or have disclosed abouts users or Members for a business purpose in the twelve months prior to the effective date of this Disclosure fall into the following categories established by the CCPA:

3. California’s Shine the Light Disclosure. We do not provide your Information to third parties, for purposes of direct marketing. Even so, California’s "Shine the Light" law, Civil Code Section 1798.83, gives users that are California residents the right to prevent our disclosure of their Information for use by third parties for direct marketing purposes. Some businesses, furthermore, may be required to respond to requests from users who are California residents about the practices related to disclosing Information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. We have disclosed our business practices, but if you would like to opt out of any use of your Information for direct marketing by others, please do so by contacting the Privacy Policy Administrator, below.

4. Online Erasure Law. While California’s "Online Erasure" law, Business and Professions Code Sections 22580-22582, requires operators of certain websites and services to allow some users to request removal of content they post at the site or services, we do not permit or host such posting, and are therefore not subject to this requirement.

Contact Information for Our Privacy Policy Administrator

All Members may contact the Privacy Policy Administrator by email at hvorders@hvfarms.com or phone at +1 877-289-3643, or by otherwise contacting the Privacy Policy Administrator by mail at 346 Airport Road, Mongaup Valley NY 12762.

California residents may use the above information to exercise any rights they may have under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

If you contact us by mail or email, please include enough information for us to address your concerns or respond to your request, including, for example your name, social media handle or website contact, as well as other contact information, and the specific Merchant’s Website, and/or other service you're contacting us about.

Also, please be advised that only privacy and California/GDPR inquiries should be sent to the Privacy Policy Administrator. No other communications to this address will be responded to or processed by us